Our Philosophy...
Giving children an exceptional education every fun-filled day in a place as nurturing as home.
It is the philosophy of Kid’s Country that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploring and discovery.
Young children are creative and receptive; the staff strives to nurture and encourage these qualities in all children. The Center’s purpose is to provide an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth and development in all children.
Planned within the framework of philosophy and purpose, Kid’s Country’s curriculum includes sharing and conversation time; stories, songs and figerplays;creative art activities and crafts; games; large ans small muscle activities; field trips throughout the community; food preparation; science and nature; sand and water activities; exposure to shapes colors, numbers and letters; and celebration of birthdays and holidays.
Children will be given obtainable goals to achieve and then to exceed.
Staff will offer positive guidance to achieve these goals. The age appropriate curriculum is designed to encourage positive accomplishments of progress and self-images. parents will receive progress reports quarterly. Portfolios will be kept on each child’s accomplishments during their enrollment at Kid’s Country. Our staff and administrators will always be available for parent conferences.